All Athletes need to take the ImPact test. The web site is The ID code is TWF6JO38EP.
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
Reminder Fall Sport Parent meeting at Parkview tonight @ 6pm. PLEASE USE NORTH DOORS.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
All Athletes need to take the ImPact test. The web site is and the ID code is TWF6JO38EP. We are going to extend the Football players deadline to Monday.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
Elementary Open House Thursday, August 19 5:00 - 7:00 PM
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
Elementary Open House
Open house for middle and high school will be divided between two nights with assigned time slots, please note that middle and high school open house dates and times are different from the elementary. The format for the open house will be the same as last school year: students and their parents will rotate through stations where they will hand in forms, pick up schedules, and check out Chromebooks.
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
6-12 Open House
South Dakota Codified Law 13-28-7.1 (Rev. 2016) requires that any pupil entering school or an early childhood program in this state shall, prior to admission, be required to present to school authorities certification from a licensed physician that the child has received, or is in the process of receiving, adequate immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, rubeola (measles), rubella, mumps, tetanus, meningitis and varicella (chickenpox), according to the recommendations of the State Department of Health.
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
Required Immunizations for Kindergarten
REQUIREMENTS FOR 6TH GRADE ENTRY: One dose of Tdap is required for 6th grade entry IF the child is 11 years old. If the child is 10 years old when entering 6th grade they have 45 days after their 11th birthday to receive the Tdap vaccination. If a child has a contraindication to Tdap, Td is acceptable. If a child aged 7 through 9 years receives a dose of Tdap as part of a catch-up series, an adolescent Tdap vaccine dose must be administered by the 45th day following the child’s 11th birthday. A dose given at age 10 will count for the 6th grade Tdap requirement. If a child 7 years or older has an incomplete DTaP primary series, please contact the Department of Health for assistance. One dose of meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) is required for 6th grade entry IF the child is 11 years old. If the child is 10 years old when entering 6th grade they have 45 days after their 11th birthday to receive the meningococcal vaccine. If a child receives a dose at age 10 or after, the dose does not need to be repeated.
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
Required Immunizations for 6th Graders
There will be a FALL Sport Parent & Coaches Meeting TUESDAY AUGUST 10 @ Parkview 6pm.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
ATHLETE MEETING TONIGHT AUG 3: The meeting tonight is for all athletes 6-12 @ Parkview 5pm. Please bring physicals if you have them done. After our meeting the athletes will go out and sell coupon cards to raise funds to earn a Travel Suit which consists of a jacket and pants they keep to wear on game day. Those athletes that are out of town and cannot attend need to contact their coaches. The fund raising will end after 2 weeks. Parents are welcome to attend.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
UPDATED MESSAGE: The correct date for the Falls Sports Meeting is Tuesday, August 3........​Tuesday, August 3 at 5:00 pm, there will be a meeting at Parkview for all 6-12 grade athletes at Stanley County. This is an important meeting for all. Following the meeting, athletes will go out and fundraise by selling coupon cards to earn
over 3 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
The Volleyball Team is selling Fan Gear through the following . Please take a look. There is a variety of items a person can buy to wear and show your support for the Buffaloes this year.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
Public Comment for the Return to School Plan. Click here for the Public Comment Submission Tool:
over 3 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
REMINDER: 2021-22 Physicals are required of all SC Athletes before they can start practice. The forms are available on the SDHSAA web site, at the Stanley County Business Office, and there is a box of forms in Parkview gym. Football needs to have theirs by 1st practice Aug. 5 and Volleyball & X-Country by Aug. 12.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
What is coming up in Buffaloes Sports: July 23 Middle School Football Camp; July 24-25 High School Football Camp; August 3 All the athletes for Stanley County will have a mandatory meeting 5pm @ Parkview; August 5 Varsity Football Begins; August 10 Fall sports Parent Meeting @ Parkview 6pm; August 12 X-Country & Volleyball Begin; Check Back for times
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
Stanley County will be hosting their Volleyball Camp July 29 & 30 @ Parkview Gym in Fort Pierre.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
2021 Volleyball Camp
Congratulations to the Stanley County Tracksters that competed in the 2021 State Track meet. State place winners: Tracy Nielsen 6th Discus Andruw Fredricksen 5th 400 m Evan Nordstrom 5th 100m Nathan Cook 3rd Shot Put Fredricksen, Nordstrom, Cook, & Trey Frost 6th Boys 400m Relay
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
We are getting close to a new year in Stanley County Sports. Before they can begin, annual Physicals must be taken. The forms needed can be found at under forms, the business office in Parkview & there will be a box of them left in Parkview gym for athletes to pick up.
over 3 years ago, Bruce Bresee
over 3 years ago, Stanley County School District
NEW SCHEDULE FOR ELEMENTARY RALLY DAY on Thursday, May 27 Due to forecasted inclement weather, rally day will be held INDOORS! The schedule is as follows: 8:00-8:45 am KG and 1st Grade 9:00-9:45 am 2nd & 3rd Grade 10:00-10:45 am 4th & 5th Grade All activities will be held in the elementary gym. Parents are invited to watch, however, will be asked to leave after their child's events and then return for lunch at 11:15am. Please use the South elementary door (Door D) located on Main Avenue.
over 3 years ago, Krista Kerns
The Stanley County Student Council partnered with the First National Bank in Fort Pierre to collect items for the PAWS Animal Rescue this spring. Shown with the over 230 pounds collected are PAWS volunteer Betty Truax and dog Sunny, and some of the council members Carlee Brady, Case Kolda, Tessa Rasmussen, Hayden Roggow and Daysen Titze. The Student Council wishes to thank First National Bank and the community for their generosity.
over 3 years ago, Stanley County School District
student council