ava magee

As part of American Education Week in November, elementary students could participate in an essay contest.  Their essay title was, “If I Were the Principal for a Day.” They could write about anything they thought they would do if they were principal for a day at Stanley County Elementary.  Mrs. Mehlhaff had a great time reading all essays and chose one per grade span.  The K-1 winner is Ava Magee; 2-3 is Layni Decker; and 4-5 is Kyler Gabriel.  The winner of each grade span gets to spend a few minutes in the morning with Mrs. Mehlhaff, check on each of the classrooms, enjoy lunch in her office and help dismiss students at the end of the day.  Students will be featured accordingly, Ava - Monday, Kyler - Tuesday, Layni - Wednesday.   Hats off to these students!