SC trap team

The SC Trap Team received their awards on May 24.  Coach Sonja Johnson is pictured with members Mason Stoeser, Coy Ludemann, Wyatt Mortenson, Witt Myers, and Wyatt Schilling.  Awards included:  Team Accolades - Skeet-2nd in State Conference 2; 5-Stand-1st in Conference 1.  Skeet - Buff Tuff-Rylie Stoeser; Most Improved-Witt Myers; and High Overall-Mortenson.  5-Stand - Buff Tuff-Wyatt Schilling; Most Improved-Coy Ludemann; and High Overall-Wyatt Mortenson.  Skeet State Tournament will be June 9th in Aberdeen.  5-Stand State Tournament will be June 17th in Fort Pierre. This is the first High School 5-Stand State Tournament in the history of shooting sports!