Have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent
Plan to enroll full-time 2023-24 academic year at an accredited 2 or 4 year university or vocational-tech school.
One of the nation's largest need-based college scholarship programs, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives.
3.0 GPA-Preference given to those pursuing a degree in entomology or related field.
Applicants must be from South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming or Nebraska and a high school senior graduating in the upcoming spring.
ESSAY: “Advancing My Western Heritage Through Continuing Education and Career”
Have 27 ACT Composite or Superscore
Agree in writing to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical need occupation after graduation.
The SDAPHCC Educational Foundation strives to elevate the technical and business competence of the p-h-c industry by awarding scholarships to young people pursuing a p-h-c career.
Must attend a public high school located in a city, town, or rural area having fewer than 25,000 residents.
Must have a 3.50 GPA
Must enroll at an eligible four-year college or university following high school graduation.
Have 27 ACT Composite or Superscore
Agree in writing to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical need occupation after graduation.
Cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 2.8 or higher.
Composite ACT score of 20 or higher
Plan on majoring in Nursing at Mount Marty University